Terraria 2 Electric Boogaloo

  воскресенье 01 марта

Appearence: Looks like Prime Mk. V did, though with more visible damage, including wires hanging out of it and more damage to its eye and jaw.

A wire is also visible behind its right eye, with the right eye itself being thinner than the left one. It also appears to be grinning rather than having Skeletron's normal angered look.Stats:Head:-HP:-Immortal (Phase 1, 2, 3, 4)-50,000 (Phase 5)-20,000 (Phase 6)-Attack:-70 (Melee)-140 (Spin)-Defence:-65 (Normal)-195 (Spin)Cannon:-HP: 15,000 (Phase 1, 5)-Attack:-60 (Melee)-75 (Chain Gun)-100 (Cannon)-80 (Flamethrower) (+On Fire! Debuff)-Defence: 65Saw:-HP: 15,000 (Phase 2, 5)-Attack:-112 (Melee)-75 (Sparks) (+On Fire! Debuff)-Defence: 70Laser:-HP: 15,000 (Phase 3, 5)-Attack:-55 (Melee)-85 (Laser)-120 (Charge Shot)-Defence: 55Vice:-HP: 15,000 (Phase 4, 5)-Attack:-90 (Melee)-120 (Guillotine)-60 (Laser Grab) (Hits 4 times)-Defence: 60Attacks:Phase 1: Flies in, using only two cannons at this point.

However, its head is completely immune to damage during this phase. The cannons have three attacks: They can shoot out lots of inaccurate bullets, similar to the chain gun, use flamethrowers that have slightly more range than the item, and their special attack which is the cannon. They charge up the cannon while not moving, before firing a large cannonball at you that explodes violently, with the same radius as Dynamite. However, these will also explode on contact with Prime himself, which stuns him for a while.Stun: Prime, when hit by certain attacks, will be stunned momentarily.

His eyes go dark and its jaw opens to signal this. During this time he doesn't move and his weapons stop firing for 5 seconds, allowing you to rack up a lot of quick damage against him.Phase 2: When both the cannons are destroyed he will fly off-screen temporarily, coming back with two saws.

These will either be swung at you for melee damage, or will be made to collide, sending a lot of large sparks everywhere that inflict the On Fire! Debuff and linger on the ground for a while. He cannot be stunned in this phase.Phase 3: Defeat the saws and the cycle repeats, with him returning with two lasers this time. The attacks are mainly just firing lasers at you, occasionally stopping to charge and fire a charge shot. The charge shot does more damage, but can also stun Prime if he is hit by it.Phase 4: Same as before, but he returns with 2 vices this time.

Terraria 2: Electric Boogaloo 泰拉瑞亚2:电布加洛舞 参考 1984 年美国电影《霹雳舞2(Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo)》。 Terraria: Now in 1D 泰拉瑞亚:现推出1D 参考 3D 电影重制 Terraria: Can You Re-Dig-It? Forum Versus Threads board The Robloxian vs the Terrarian 2: Electric Boogaloo Follow. 0 Kudos The Robloxian vs the Terrarian 2: Electric Boogaloo. In Terraria, those bullets are homing on enemies but not on other players. If we count them as homing I'd say Terrarian could pull the faster trigger finger on this one. Otherwise both of.

The vices will be thrust at you for melee damage most of the time, but sometimes he will open one up beforehand. If the open one catches you one of two things will happen. Either it will just deal lots of damage, or it may grab you. If it grabs you the small, red part of the vice will fire 4 lasers into you, each about a second apart, before dropping you. Phase 5:Easily the most simple phase of the bunch. He will fly off and return with one of each arm, like Skeletron Prime and the Mk.

V fight before it. The cannon and laser's special attacks stun him for only 3 seconds now, but each deals 999 damage to him if they connect. You only need to defeat the head in order to progress to the last phase, with the arms despawning if you don't destroy them before the head.Phase 6:Prime begins to spawn in groups of small, spiked drones. These orbit Prime for most of the fight from now on, though he will sometimes make them disperse and explode before summoning a fresh group. Prime himself will just fly around wildly, sometimes performing the head spin towards you at the same speed as Expert Skeletron does.Prime Drone:HP: 500Attack:-70 (Melee)-100 (Explosion)Defence: 45Extra Notes:-The name is a reference to a Kajagoogoo song-The secondary name is more of a confirmation that this is Mk. V, the upgraded version of Skeletron Prime seen in the previous boss ideas page.

Appearence: A large, black, spherical monster with a single, red eye in the middle of its body. It has red, triangular markings around its eye and spheres constantly moving in a ring-like formation behind it.Stats:Health: 100,000Attack:-100 (Melee)-85 (Laser)-95 (Lightning)-100 (Fire Ring)-75 (Orb Melee) (+2 Random Debuffs Each)-150 (Deathray)Defence: 50Attacks:Spends most of its time close to the player, staying horizontal to them. Appearence: A long, metallic worm creature, similar in concept to the destroyer, though covered entirely in blades. It has a large, green eye at the front and smaller ones inbetween the spikes all the way down its body.

It consists of around 150 individual segments, making it larger than The Destroyer, but much smaller than Guide 1's Nebula Devourer.Stats:HP: 400,000Attack: 1.Defence: 55Attacks: Burrows through the ground like most other worm enemies, flying to reach you if you go too high, like the Destroyer does, though not hindered by maps like the Destroyer. It will also occasionally spawn small, green orbs that fire large, constant lasers at you until they disappear. The lasers can change direction, but only slowly.The interesting gimmick to this boss, however, is its damage. Rather than dealing large chunks of health at a time it instead 1 damage for every 'frame' it or its lasers come into contact with you which is 60 even when run at different FPS rates for consistency. This 1 damage also ignores defences entirely and thus it deals the same damage to a solar armour player as one with no armour.Drops:-Gold Coin (x40) 100%Extra Info:-This is the only enemy in the game to actually ignore invincibility frames altogether, though this is balanced out by having very low damage.-It is recommended to go for a more offense-based armour set since defence doesn't matter for this fight.

Appearance:A taller variant of the Vampire when in human form, with a more exaggerated cape and darker, greyer clothing. In bat form it follows the same colour schemes as the regular Vampire bats, though is much larger, resembling the Giant Bats.Summon: Rarely appears during Solar Eclipses.

Appearance:In its base form it appears to be a black, oily, vaugely-humanoid monster with three white eyes. Its head is almost droplet-shaped and the rest of its body is thinner than average.Its other three forms mimic common enemies, being a zombie (a blood zombie specifically), a bat and a slime.All 4 forms are constantly dripping throughout the fight, suggesting that it is, at least partly, liquid.Summon:Spawns when a boss-summoning item is repetedly used when the boss' summoning conditions are not met.

Must be in the cavern layer. The boss item will eventually be consumed with 'Something has awoken' in purple. Appearence:A large, reddish-pink slime with a silvery-coloured crown. The crown has blue and yellow gemstones in it, with the main one at the front being blue. Despite looking like King Slime it doesn't have the ninja inside.Spawn:-Use the Pink Crown (Sold by the Hunter)Stats:Health: 3,000 (4,250)Attack: 38 (60)Defence: 12Attacks:Mostly identical to the King Slime, except that it spawns Red Slimes (& Spiked Red Slimes) and also has a super-bounce that it takes it vertically upwards into the air before making it slam down again.Defeat:Explodes into gel and Red Slimes upon defeatExtra Info:-The Queen Slime is almost a direct upgrade to the King Slime.

It has new attacks, more health, more defence, stronger slimes and its lower attack is, for the most part, somewhat negligable. Appearance:A larger, more armoured Granite Golem.

It has a large gemstone on its head and its visor is now more curved.Summon:-Rarely spawns by itself in the Granite Biome. Can also be summoned with the Radiating Stone sold by the Hunter in a Granite biomeStats:Health: 5,000 (6,500)Attack:-75 (175) (Melee)-50 (80) (Granite Ball)Defence: 35 (55)Attacks:Spends most of the fight walking around slowly, roughly around the same speed as a Zombie.-Can summon Granite Elementals to assist it-Can pick up balls of granite and throw them at you. They are slightly affected by gravity.-Will block and become immune to damage if player's DPS is considered too highDefeat:Explodes into several large chunks of granite and drops its dropsExtra Notes:-The Guardian can be a pain to deal with late-game due to his ability to become invulnerable when the player's damage is too high. Consider bringing weaker weapons if you plan on a rematch.-In expert mode its contact damage is over double its normal-mode damage, though due to the boss' very limited mobility you shouldn't be taking melee damage from it anyways-Its defence makes it very hard to deal damage to him pre-hardmode, having a damage reduction of 18 in normal mode and requiring over 40 damage to deal anything significant in expert mode.-Essentially requiring the player to use late pre-hardmode items to deal anything to it.

Appearance:A slightly larger Medusa enemy that seems to have additional gold jewelry, with the most obvious being the addition of a crown. She has even more snakes than before, as well as a golden bow which she visibly carries at all times.Summon:-Can either spawn rarely by herself or can be summoned with the Radiating Stone in a Marble Biome (Sold by the Hunter)Stats:Health:-7,500 (9,050) (Gorgon)-25 (30) (Snake Minions)Attack:-45 (70) (Melee) (+5 Seconds Poisoned debuff)-30 (60) (Gaze) (+5 Seconds of Stoned debuff)-60 (100) (Bow) (+8 Seconds On Fire! Debuff)-40 (60) (Snake Melee) (+4 Seconds Poisoned debuff)Defence:-10 (Gorgon)-0 (Snake)Attacks;During the entire battle Medusas and Hopites will be allowed to spawn with increased frequency, even if the world is in pre-hardmode.She will slowly walk towards the player throughout most of the fight, though not very fast-She can use Medusa's ability to turn players to stone, though for a reduced time-Snakes can sometimes fall out of her hair and attack the player, though their stats are very low-She can draw her bow and fire an arrow, dealing high damage. Appearance:A large, stationary green bulb covered in yellow spots. It has two, smaller bulbs poking out from the sides. Bears some resemblance to Plantera, though this may be simply because it's also a large bulb.Summon:-Use the Plant Food in the underground jungle. Will spawn somewhere near to the player, though needs adequite spacingStats:Health:-12,500 (20,000) (Bloom)-150 (250) (Angry Bloom)Attack:-70 (150) (Melee)-40 (75) (Spore)-30 (55) (Spike) (+10 (15) seconds of Poisoned debuff)-36 (60) (Angry Bloom Melee)Defence:-10 (Bloom)-13 (Angry Bloom)Attacks:Spends the entire fight stationary, using ranged attacks and summons to fight-Can spit a large volley of spikes upwards which are affected by gravity and inflict the Poisoned debuff-Can spit spores upwards that slowly rain down, dealing contact damage.

Appearance:Looks like the Cultist, but the cloak is dark brown and red and the mask is grey with red eyes. Looks more menacing than the normal Cultist does.Summon:Use the Maddening Medallion on the surface (Sold by the Hunter after the Lunatic Cultist is defeated)Stats:Health: 42,000 (55,000)Attack:-65 (100) / 75 (130) (Melee)-88 (150) / 105 (190) (Red Crystal Storm)-80 (145) / 100 (170) (Fireball)-110 (200) / 136 (220) (Lightning Orb)-145 (215) / 170 (240) (Ancient Light)-50 (80) / 80 (150) (Ancient Doom)Defence: 45Attacks:-Attacks are, for the most part, identical to the Lunatic Cultist's, though more powerful. The ice attack has also been changed to a large, red crystal.After being taken down to 30,000 (40,000) a large, glowing chain will hit the Devotist and will remain in his back, though he seems to pay it little attention.However, after being taken down to 20,000 (27,500) it will gain a 2nd chain and look more tired.

Now its attacks will be far more damaging and the Devotist will fire off more projectiles (e.g. 4-5 fireballs instead of 3, red crystals fire out shots of 8 instead of 6, etc.) but with longer times inbetween attacks.Finally, at 10,000 (15,000) health the 3rd and final chain will hit. At this point it will continuously summon Ancient Cultists to assist, even without trying to summon Phantasm Dragons, and its attack frequency will reduce again.Defeat:As the Devotist reaches 0 health it will stop and let out a roar. Red energy will radiate out of it as the screen nearby glows white. By the time the white flash ends the Devotist will be gone, only leaving behind a few small, red particles and its drops. Appearance: A large, brown centipede with red eyes.

While it is large, it hasn't got too many segments when compared to most worm-like enemies.Summon: Use the Armoured Hide in the jungle, crafted by comining Iron, Shadow Scales, Stingers and an Ironskin Potion.Stats:Health: 2,000 (3,000)Attack:-55 (180) (Head)-20 (60) (Body/Tail/Spit)Defence: 50 (65)Attacks:Burrows much like most worm AI enemies do, but can also spit small projectiles from its head at the player. In expert mode these projectiles will come in groups of 3 instead of single shots.Extra Notes:-This boss' high defence means that players will often need later-pre-hardmode gear to deal with it effectively. Piercing attacks can also be effective due to its relatively low health, even if their base damage is low.-Contact damage with its head is high, especially in expert mode, so it's best to avoid being hit by it-This boss is one of, if not the easiest, boss to cheese. By making a small platform of solid blocks in the air and using minions or weapons like the Magic Missile you can beat this boss without taking any damage, even if it takes a while.

Appearance: A larger, more menacing, version of the Giant Centipede with more segments. It has additional eyes and longer, barbed jaws.Summon: Use the Infestation in the jungle. Made by crafting the Giant Centipede summon, Adamantite and Souls of Night together.Stats:Health: 10,000 (20,000)Attack:-200 (400) (Head Melee)-65 (120) (Body/Tail Melee)-70 (140) (Spit)Defence: 80 (100)Attacks:-Does similar things to what the Giant Centipede did, but shoots more vile spit projectiles from its head, some of which are able to pass through blocks. (In expert mode all of the projectiles will pass through blocks and the centipede has a chance to fire 3 shots instead of 1)Extra Notes:-While it is a simple boss to fight you will likely need high damage weapons due to its very high defence, meaning while it is possible to fight it early-on, it might not be the best idea to.-This is especially true in expert mode, where it takes nearly no damage at all from attacks.-Piercing weapons are also effective since they can hit several segments at once which can somewhat take away from the minimal damage you can deal.

Appearance:A large bearded man in a cloud carrying what seems to be lightning bolts in a quiver on his back. Bears some resemblance to Zeus of greek legend.Summon:Use the Thunder Spear at the sky or in space.Stats:Health: 20,000 (28,500)Attack:-40 (80) (Melee)-70 (160) (Lightning Bolt)-80 (175) (Massive Bolt)-50 (90) (Small Bolt)Defence: 20Attacks:-Flies around above the player, throwing bolts of lightning at them every couple of seconds. Will occasionally charge at the player, dealing contact damage.- At 75% health it will summon a helper who slowly orbits the boss, throwing smaller lightning bolts less frequently. (In expert mode it will also begin summoning Angry Nimbuses from here on out to assist him)-At 50% health it summons a 2nd that also orbits, as well as also gaining a new attack. This attack has the elemental stay still before a large lightning bolt comes down vertically above the player, dealing high damage.-At 25% health it summons a 3rd and final helper.Defeat: The helpers vanish and the boss bursts into clouds.Drops:-Would drop lightning-themed weapons, including a downgraded Magnet Sphere and a penetrating lightning bolt staff.Extra Info:-The boss' main summons are completely invulnerable throughout the fight, but don't deal contact damage. However, they do still fire lightning bolts at roughly half the rate of the main elemental.-This boss' attacks can pass through blocks, so solid blocks in the arena are mostly useless, except for the large bolts which are blocked by blocks.-The boss could be fought before the Destroyer so that the player can get powerful piercing weapons prior to the fight.

Appearance:A large, mermaid-like enemy found in the desert. Appearance:A slightly taller than average Lihzahrd. He wears a pair of shades and carries a saxophone on his back. He also has a golden belt and golden bracelets around both wrists.Summon:-Use the Lihzahrdian recording in the Lihzahrd temple. Sly will jump out of nowhere, pose, and begin the fight.Stats:Health: 45,000 (63,000)Attack:-70 (145) (Melee)-65 (130) (Saxophone Note)-85 (160) (Phase 2 Melee) (+5 seconds of '!?' Debuff)-75 (150) (Phase 2 Saxophone Note) (+3 seconds of '!?'

Debuff)Defence: 60Attacks:-Sly will jump around, clinging to walls and background bricks as he does so, before landing on the ground and playing his saxophone, creating a short-ranged arc of damaging notes. He is highly mobile while jumping around which, combined with the Lihzahrd temple's tight corridors and uneven floors, can be hard to dodge.At half health Sly will land on the ground, immoble, before letting out a shout and small flames while shifting into Phase 2. As he does so the message 'Lihzardian cheers fill the temple' will appear.In Phase 2 he does more damage and jumps around more wildly, covering more ground in less time. He may also inflict the '!?' Debuff.!?:'You have seen something. Will make random adjustments to the player's stats every second while the buff is in effect. Each adjustment can make increases between +5% and -5% to damage, attack speed, movement speed and defence.

Adjustments are reset after the debuff wears off.Defeat:-Saxophone is broken by an attack so Sly tries to play it to see if it's alright. Appearance:-A granite golem with large, upward-pointed spikes on its head.

These spikes, along with its shoulder pads, ankles and waist, are covered in gold. It wears a green-tinted lens over its eye, mimicing shades. Appearance:A large skeletal wall made out of many, many bones. Three giant skulls pertrude from the front of the wall and are the only vulnerable points.Summon: Throw the 'Clothier's Curse' into lava in the underworld. The summoning item is made using the Clothier Voodoo Doll, 1 of each Soul, 100 Bones and 20 Ectoplasm.Stats:Health:-40,000 (75,000) (Wall)-15,000 (25,000) (Skull)-200 (350) (Hungry Skull)Attack:-100 (200) (Melee)-25 (65) (Bone Whip) (Inflicts Tongued)-65 (120) (Magic Blast 1 & 2)-80 (150) (Magic Blast 3)-85 (150) (Skull Melee)-70 (130) (Hungry Skull Melee)-50 (95) (Hungry Skull Magic)Defence:-25 (Walls & Hungry Skulls)-32 (Skull)Attacks:-In Phase 1 the wall will slowly move towards the player, slowly accelerating as it takes damage. It spawns 20 Hungry Skulls that all fire slow-moving magic bolts infrequently, though due to their sheer number they can still easily fill the screen with projectiles.

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The Giant Skulls in the wall move up and down in similar ways to the normal Wall of Flesh's eyes and mouth, but instead of spawning lasers and leeches all 3 fire out indestructable magic blasts that pass through blocks. The boss still performs the Tongue effect the normal WoF has, as well as inflicting the Horrified (And Cursed) debuffs. (In expert mode it is almost compulsary to bring a Nazar or one of its upgrades as the wall inflicts Cursed indefinately and thus will be nigh impossible to attack without it.)-After being brought down to 20,000/30,000 health the wall transitions into Phase 2. One of the skulls breaks free and the wall slows down to the speed it started the fight at. The other skulls attack with far less frequency.-The freed skull flies around above or to the sides of the player, firing 3 types of magic blast. The first is the same fast-moving indestructable projectile the Wall's skulls perform, the 2nd is a volley of slower-travelling 'water bolts' that bounce off of blocks and pierce NPCs and finally the 3rd is a destructable projectile with high damage that travels through blocks.-Defeating the freed skull will cause it to re-attach itself to the wall, visibly cracked.

The wall then begins phase 3; which is similar to Phase 1 except the Hungry Skulls can respawn and the acceleration of the wall is greater as it takes damage.-Finally, once the wall's health is at 0, it transitions into phase 4. 2 (All 3) skulls break off and attack the player while the wall slows down again, mirroring Phase 2. After these skulls are defeated the fight ends.Defeat: Bursts into bones, leaving its drops in a large box, like the WoF.Extra Info:-The Wall of Bones actually has a combined health total of 89,000 in Normal Mode and 157,000 in expert mode, counting all parts of the fight except the infinitely-respawning Hungry Skulls in Phase 3.-The boss is very, very similar to the Wall of Flesh, particularly the Expert-Mode variant. Its appearance, summon, movements, minions and even debuffs mirror the original Wall of Flesh battle.

Appearence:Roughly the same size as a normal player, though faces more 'forwards' than the player does, similar to how the Lunatic Cultist does. However, she spends the majority of the fight inside of a large version of the Stardust Cell enemies from the Stardust Pillar. The cell is roughly the same size, or slightly larger than, the King Slime.Summon:-Use the Glistening Cell while above-ground. The background will then change to resemble the background during the Stardust Pillar battle or when a Stardust Monolith is active. Appearance:A large, worm-like creature that uses the colours of the Solar weapons. Its entire body appears to be very jagged and lets off a strong glow.Summon:-Use the Sun Harvester on the surface.

Appearance:Looks like a taller, more-detailed predictor. It is wearing a cloak with pink pauldrons on the shoulders. Its brain is more 'detailed' and its spikes on the sides of its head are slightly longer. The crystal-like formation on its chest is also larger.Summon:-Use the Nebula Caller at the surface. Background will change into the same one as used by the Nebula Pillar and Monolith. Appearence:The boss consists of two things, one being the actual boss and the other some sort of alien gunship that the boss pilots. The boss itself looks a bit like the Storm Diver enemies from the Vortex Pillar event rather fittingly while the ship itself takes on a similar colour scheme.Summon:Use the Vortex Beacon at the surface.


The background will change and, after a moment, the boss will spawn.Stats:HP:-55,000 (65,000) (Phase 1)-45,000 (60,000) (Phase 2 Hunter)-75,000 (90,000) (Phase 2 Gunship)Attack:-100 (175) (Hunter Melee)-130 (200) (Gunship Melee)-200 (370) (Pulse Grenade)-85 (130) (Pulse Cannon)-140 (250) (Gunship Missile Barrage)-250 (400) (Gunship Deathray)-180 (320) (Gunship Railgun)Defence:-70 (Gunship)-55 (Hunter)Attacks:Phase 1:In phase 1 only the Gunship itself does anything. The hunter is presumed to be inside, piloting it.-It will attempt to ram into the player, dealing contact damage-It can fire missiles upwards that fall down, with their locations revealed briefly by small 'tracer rounds' that fall 1 second before-It can lock onto the player's location and fire a railgun, dealing high damage. This attack follows the player until the last second where the final target is decided.Phase 2:After the Gunship has taken damage the Hunter themselves will jump out and begin attacking separately.-The Hunter is very swift and constantly jumps around and 'teleports'. Appearence:A long, greenish dragon-like creature.

It lacks any sort of visible limbs or extremities of any kind, though can somehow still fly. It has 3 visible, glowing, yellow eyes on either side of its head and several horns. The lack of limbs gives it an almost serpentine appearence, though the more dragon-like head takes away from this a little.Summon:Stay at the top of the world. Eventually you will see messages slowly appear.'

Arc the lad anime

You hear a strange whistling in the distance'A shadow lingers above you'About 20 seconds later the boss will spawn. If you leave the top of the world at any time before the boss actually spawns it will cancel its spawn, forcing you to restart the process.Stats:Health:-800,000 (1,200,000) (Main Leviathan)-100,000 (150,000) (Offspring)Attack:-200 (375) (Head Melee)-112 (200) (Body Melee)-105 (180) (Phantasm)Defence:-40 (Head)-60 (Body)Attacks:-Flies at the player in a similar way as how the Wyvern does, but is slower. Appearance:A large, red eye with what seems to be spikes pertruding from it. A large army of assorted slimes.

Many of them are previous slimes, though buffed-up for the eventSummon:-Use the Assorted Gel. Event spawns 30 seconds later.-Event is considered 'finished' when 3 player deaths have occured, even in multiplayer. Appearance:Takes on an appearance like the normal Medusa enemies, though her and her snakes' eyes are purple. The snakes also seem slightly more docile and less wild than the normal Medusa ones.Encounter: Found rarely in the Cavern layer after the Gorgon Queen's defeatStats:HP: 250 (250)Attack:-35 (60) (Melee)-30 (55) (Gaze) (+5 Seconds of Stoned debuff)Defence: 15Attack: Walks towards the player, sometimes using the signature Medusa attack of turning the player to stone. Doesn't speed up when damaged like Medusas normally do.Extra Info:-Will become the Gorgon NPC if Purification Powder is used on her-There are a few little hints that she may be an NPC to give it away. Firstly, the use of corruption colours for her eyes potentially hint at her being 'purifiable', her health being lower than a normal Medusa's, and her lack of health increase in expert mode. It's not a boss by itself, but I think we should have a new world evil, it's not purple and gloomy like the corruption, but I'm thinking all black.

A biome made of shadows, I'd call it Limbo. Compared to the speedy enemies from the corruption and the strong ones from the crimson, the enemies here will be either high in defense or just somewhere in between. Some enemies here could be an all-black shadow slime, a shadow man, all-black ents, and other shadow-based enemies. To be honest I would personally like to see the boogey man, a giant shadow titan, or maybe some of the boss ideas you've mentioned.