
  среда 04 марта
音标:[ in'və:t ] 发音:

What happens when you flip a problem or challenge on its head? Today on Seeking Wisdom, DC and DG.

  • vt.
    【生物化学】转化的。 invert sugar 转化糖。
  • 'and or invert gate'中文翻译 与或非门; 与或非
  • 'and-or invert gate'中文翻译 “与或非”门
  • 'and-or-invert gate'中文翻译 及或反闸; 与或转换门
  • 'arch invert'中文翻译 倒拱; 仰拱
  • 'bottom of the invert'中文翻译 倒拱底
  • 'break in invert'中文翻译 槽底折断
  • 'break-in invert'中文翻译 槽底折断
  • 'bucket invert'中文翻译 戽斗反弧拱
  • 'flat invert'中文翻译 平缓仰拱
  • 'invert (of a streamcourse)'中文翻译 河床
  • 'invert a fraction'中文翻译 求一个分数的倒数
  • 'invert alpha'中文翻译 反转
  • 'invert arch'中文翻译 反拱; 反碹; 仰拱
  • 'invert atmosphere'中文翻译 转化空气
  • 'invert case'中文翻译 大小写互换
  • 'invert center'中文翻译 翻转中心
  • 'invert change'中文翻译 改变反相
  • 'invert circle'中文翻译 反转圆环
  • 'invert closure'中文翻译 仰拱闭合
  • 'invert composite'中文翻译 反转通道
  • 'invert content'中文翻译 转化物含量
  • 'invert elevation'中文翻译 底板高程; 底拱高程; 闸槛
  • 'invert emulsion'中文翻译 逆乳状液; 转化乳剂
  • 'invert fill'中文翻译 反转填充
  • 'inversus epiblepharon'中文翻译 倒向睑赘皮
  • 'inversus'中文翻译 反向的, 倒向的
  • Alternatively, we may invert the file .
  • To avoid this the assembly has sometimes been inverted .
  • The unit consists of an inverted bell or cylinder immersed in a sealing liquid .
  • All the pre-shamvaian rocks in the selukwe area lie on the inverted limb of this fold .
  • Light entering the hole cast an inverted image of the sunlight outside scene on an inside screen .
  • As always when a problem is inverted we have to be careful and check if the solution is unique .
  • Different alleles may be acquired within the inverted segment after the inversion poly morphism is established .
  • A few balances mounted above the tunnel support the model in an inverted position for 'normal' running .
  • Mr. cunningham approaches a large, chromiumplated machine with rows of inverted glasses arranged on shelves .
  • This voltage creates a field across the gate oxide, which causes the adjacent p substrate to invert to n-type .
  • 更多例句: 1 2345
  • turn inside out or upside down
    同义词:turn back, reverse,
  • reverse the position, order, relation, or condition of; 'when forming a question, invert the subject and the verb'
  • make an inversion (in a musical composition); 'here the theme is inverted'
inverted 中文, inverted comma 中文, inverted mordent 中文, inverso 中文, inversometric 中文, inversor 中文, inversus 中文, inversus epiblepharon 中文, invert (of a streamcourse) 中文, invert a fraction 中文, invert a linked list 中文, invert alpha 中文,


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That doth invert the attest of eyes and ears, / As if these organs had deceptious functions. (Can we this quote by Cowper and provide title, author's full name, and other details?) Such reasoning falls like an inverted cone, / Wanting its proper base to stand upon. (, ) To move (the root note of a chord) up or down an octave, resulting in a change in pitch.

(, ) To, as sugar. To; to convert to a wrong use.(Can we a quotation of Knolles to this entry?). ( ) To turn (the foot).Derived terms.Related terms.Translations. See also.Noun invert ( plural ). (, ) A. 1897, W.

Havelock Ellis, Sexual Inversion, p. 202:We can seldom, therefore, congratulate ourselves on the success of any 'cure' of inversion. The success is unlikely to be either permanent or complete, in the case of a decided invert; and in the most successful cases we have simply put into the invert's hands a power of reproduction which it is undesirable he should possess. ( ) An (as in a ). The base of a tunnel on which the road or railway may be laid and used when construction is through unstable ground. It may be flat or form a continuous curve with the tunnel arch. ( civil engineering ) The lowest point inside a at a certain point.

( civil engineering ) An elevation of a pipe at a certain point along the pipe. A where the grabs the board and plants a hand on the so as to upside-down on the of a.

(, )Translations.