Sly Cooper Fanfiction

  суббота 04 апреля

At first Sly just thought their little rendezvous was all fun and games, until one particular night, filled with sexual they must learn to. This is a group for anyone who likes Sly Cooper! Feel free to join c: Just click the join button!! We love Sly Cooper and the gang, and we love the fan art! So submit your wonderful work here, and enjoy other artists' work as well! Just don't be like Sly and steal the pieces! If you would like to affiliate just send a request!

Drunken Carmelita

Sly was casually strolling on the rooftops of Paris. He enjoyed the wind blowing through his fur, especially after crawling out from a stuffy air vent. He and his gang had just successfully pulled off another daring heist and Bentley and Murray were just now taking their price to the hideout. There had been exhibit on rare rings in the museum. Bentley had read about it a week before the grand opening and made a plan. Pulling off the heist had been fun, but Sly couldn't help but to feel that something was missing.

'Let's see.. I broke in, Bentley hacked the security system, I avoided the guards, cleaned off all the showcases, thought about how I should give one of the rings to Carmelita..' Sly flow of thought cut when the vixen came to his mind.

'Where is she? She's usually at the crime scene by now' Sly wondered.

'I hope nothing's happened to her..' he thought ominously, but then had a thought.

He contacted Bentley: 'Hey, Bent, did you notice something off with our robbery just now?'

'Well.. nothing, except deducing from your the silence at your end, Inspector Fox is not yet at least shooting and cursing you in Spanish' the turtle answered.

'Yesh.. That's what I was thinking.. Say, Bentley, could you find out why she isn't here yet?' Sly asked.

Bentley sighed at hearing this.

'Well if you must now. Hold on a minute' came an answer and a noise of typing.

Sly stopped and held his breath.

'It says here that she's on a.. holiday?' Bentley informed, sounding surprised.

'On a holiday? Since when is Carmelita on holidays?' Sly asked, just as surprised as his turtle friend.

'I have no idea, Sly, but we should just be grateful for an opportunity to pull off at least one heist without her on our tails'

'Aww, come on, pal, I'm really the only one she chases and I enjoy every second of it' Sly retorted smirking.

'Yes, that's what worries me..' Bentley answered.

'You know what, Bentley? I think I'm gonna go check on her' Sly announced abruptly.

'What!? Why!?' the turtle exclaimed in shock.

'Really, Bentley, ya know full well why he's going'Murray interjected.

Another sigh from Bentley.

'Fine, but it's your funeral, pal' Bentley said and hung up.

Sly chuckled and headed towards the vixen's apartment.

Once there, Sly perched himself on a windowsill and began working on the lock of the window. Carmelita had put a lock on every possible entrance for Sly to use to break into her apartment, but of course they didn't stop the raccoon. Very soon the lock let out a satisfying 'click' and the window slid open. Sly slipped into a spacious living room and looked around in the dark. When he saw nothing notable he walked to the bedroom door and carefully slid it open and peered inside. What he saw surprised him: The bed was empty, there was no one there.

'Where could she be at this hour?' Sly thought.

He pondered for a moment before bringing his hand to his ear.

'Bentley, she's not home. Could you please locate her?'

'Fine! But seriously the funeral is yours'

'Just do it'

Sigh and typing.

'She's in the address Rue de la Post 89'

'Thanks, pal'

He got no answer.

Sly climbed out of the window, onto the roof and broke into a run.

'Here we are, Rue de la Post 89' the raccoon thought, looking around for any sign of Carmelita.

But all he could see were some little shops and a pub. Sly scanned the area once more and stopped his gaze to the bar.

'Could she really be in a.. pub?' Sly questioned.

He shrugged. 'Why not?'

The raccoon walked into the pub. It was just a small, dimly lit room. In the corner was small stage, in the middle there were just some tables with a few customers sitting and drinking. The left side of the pub was dominated by a counter and at it sat a familiar looking vixen..

'Carmelita' Sly said out loud as he began to make his way to the fox.

He was close to her when a silent voice asked:

'Going for the vixen?'

Sly spun around and saw an elderly tiger with a bottle of rum. (Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum..)

'Yes' he answered curtly.

The tiger chuckled.

'I wish you luck with her. She can be rather temperamental'

'Trust me, I know' Sly smirked before continuing his way to Carmelita.

He sat next to her and was about to say something but was cut off by Carmelita: 'How many times do I have to fold it into your thick skulls, I am not interested'

She had a light slur in her voice indicating that she had already drunken a decent amount of alcohol. Sly had never seen Carmelita like this and the sight of the drunken vixen made him chuckle.

Carmelita tensed immediately and turned her head.

'Cooper' she whispered.

'Hello, inspector'

'Oh, Sly it's so good to see you!' Carmelita exclaimed quietly and smiled brightly.

'.. What?'

Sly was very confused from the vixen's words.

'How did you find me here?' she asked.

'What..? Oh, Bentley traced your cell' Sly answered, still baffled by the sudden turn of events.

'Did he now? Don't tell me you were that desperate to see me' Carmelita asked teasingly.

Check it out if you haven't already, but first we've got some new releases to sort through! There have been a couple of nice surprises this season, along with some big-name titles and a few genuine stinkers. Welcome to Shelf Life.Jump to this week's review:On Shelves This Week,Sentai - 600 min - Hyb - MSRP $99.98 $79.98 $199.98Currently cheapest at: Synopsis: When a gate to a parallel world appears in the middle of Tokyo, officer Yoji Itami joins a reconnaissance force tasked with exploring the other side.Extra: We have a of the first half of this series, along with for the whole thing. Divine gate season 2. Some retail sites are reporting a later release date for the limited edition set, so be aware of that if you're thinking of buying it. It's time again!

Now Sly was just shocked.

'Um. Carm, how much have you drunk?'

'I don't know. Haven't paid much attention' she answered casually.

'Perhaps you should go home' Sly suggested.

'Are you trying to get me alone with you? Is that what you're trying, Cooper, huh?' Carmelita asked leaning forwards and Sly couldn't help but a to blush.

'Aww, is my raccoon blushing'

'My raccoon? Did she just say my raccoon?' Sly thought.

'I.. um.. that is..' he stuttered.

'Come on, let's go' Carmelita said getting up.

She walked surprisingly well considering the amount of alcohol she'd consumed.

Sly was still very confused, but followed the vixen nonetheless. Upon passing the tiger's table Sly saw him wink at him.

'Hrr.. it's so cold' Carmelita said, shivering. She had no jacket or anything.

Sly hesitated for a moment, but after deciding that she probably wouldn't mind, he put an arm around her.


'Mm.. much better. You're really warm' Carmelita said and snuggled closer to the raccoon.

They began walking to her apartment.

'Carm, why are on a holiday?' Sly asked suddenly.

'My boss forced me. He said I was working too much'

'He's right there. You tend to overwork a little'

Carmelita frowned.


Sly nodded.

They arrived at her apartment and she opened the door. Sly let go of Carmelita and didn't follow her inside.

'I guess I'll be going now..' he said rubbing the back of his head.

'Oh, no you won't' Carmelita said and pulled him inside.

She dragged Sly to the living room and sat him on the couch. She sat next to him. They were silent for awhile until Carmelita broke it:

'I was really mad at my boss first for suspending me like that, but now I'm just happy he did'

'Why's that?' Sly asked.

'Because now I ran into you'

'And why is that a good thing?'

Carmelita suddenly shinned up to Sly's lap.

'Because I love you, Sly Cooper' she said before wrapping her arms around him pressing her lips to his.

Sly was beyond shocked from the vixen kissing him, but after composing himself for a minute Sly grabbed her waist and returned the kiss. After a moment of kissing the raccoon felt a pair of hands removing his shirt. Once Carmelita had thrown it away she turned to admire Sly's toned chest. She pressed her hands on it and leaned to kiss him again.

'Carmelita, wait' Sly said suddenly.

'What?' the vixen asked.

'I can't'

She was quiet for a moment.

'Why not?'

'You're drunk' he said, 'It just doesn't feel right'

'It's okay, Sly. I'm not that drunk'

'Yes, you are. I feel like I'm taking advantage of you. I don't want to do that'

'Sly, please' she pleaded.

'Carmelita, I love you and I promise you this: If you're just as eager to have sex next time we're both sober, then I won't say no'

'But I won't remember anything tomorrow. I never do'

'I'll get you to remember and besides, now I know you love me' Sly answered smiling.

She sighed.


Carmelita yawned and Sly chuckled.

'Are you tired?'

She nodded.

'I'll take you to bed' Sly whispered.

He scooped her up bridal style and carried to the bed. He pulled the covers over her and was about to leave, when Carmelita grabbed his hand.

'Don't go, Sly. Stay here with me' she pleaded.

'Are you sure? What about when you wake up not remembering anything?' Sly asked and was really little worried.

'You'll wake up before me anyway' she answered, 'Just come here'



He laid down next to her. She turned and wrapped her arms around him and Sly in return pulled her close.

'Good night, Sly'

'Good night, Carm'

'Oh and just that you know: My shockpistol is in the nightstand drawer with the hand (yawn) cuffs'

It would seem I need to make this a twoshot, but whatever. To those who are still waiting an update on one of my three other stories: I'm sorry, but I'm facing a little writer's block and I was hoping this would help with it. Review and stuff..

Contents History ​ BackstorySly came from a long line of thieves who dedicated their lives to thieving and writing down their greatest accomplishments and skills in a book called the Thievious Raccoonus. ​Little did they know that they were being watched by an ancient bird, who had such an immense hatred for the Coopers that he replaced his body with robotic parts to keep him alive and continued his hatred towards them.On the night when Sly was eight, he was about to be given the Thievius Raccoonous by his father and previous thief before him, Conner Cooper. However, Clockwerk appeared and attacked Sly's house, along with the help of four criminals who formed the Fiendish Five, ​a criminal organization, founded by Clockwerk.

Sly hid in the closet, horrified as the Fiendish Five killed his parents and made off with stolen pages of the Thievius Raccoonus. After that incident, Sly wounded up in an orphanage where he met Bentley and Murray, becoming good friends with them and forming the Cooper Gang as of today.​Sly Cooper and the Thievius RaccoonusSly and his friends, known as the Cooper Gang, break into a police headquarters in Paris to steal a case file about the Fiendish Five.

While attempting to escape with it, however, Sly Cooper runs into Inspector Carmelita Fox who Sly encountered in Bombay when he stole the Fire Stone of India there. Carmelita tries to stop Sly with her shock pistol, but Sly manages to escape her as he rides away with his gang in the Cooper Van.After successfully stealing the case file, Sly studies it and learns about the Fiendish Five's chief machinist member, Sir Raleigh, who was a bored aristocrat later turned pirate, residing in the Isle of Wrath, Wales, using a storm device to cause several ships to sink for Raleigh to raid for their treasure. In order to get to where the Fiendish Five members are, Sly must collect keys, hidden in levels, throughout the Fiendish Five's base of operations. After Sly collects the keys to use a cannon to fire himself at the blimp where Sir Raleigh is at, Sir Raleigh encounters Sly and sarcastically welcomes him, only to angrily tell him that he hates guests. Sly, on the other hand, threatens Sir Raleigh to expect company after he reminds him about attacking his home and killing his parents. Sir Raleigh mocks Sly as he says that he and the Fiendish Five should have finished him off as well.

He then fights Sly as he swallows a bee that turns him gigantic and then tries to crush him. After Sly defeats him, Sir Raleigh brags about his defeat, but then warns Sly that he is no match against Muggshot, his villainous cohort in Mesa City, Utah, and says that his hideout so is heavily guarded that a snake couldn't slither in without setting off alarms. Sly then finds Sir Raleigh's section of the Thievius Raccoonus, containing information about his ancestor, Rioichi Cooper's technique, Ninja Spire Jump. As Sly leaves Sir Raleigh's hideout and leave Sir Raleigh at the custody of Carmalita Fox, he and his gang go to London, England, where he is seen stealing crowned jewels as Bentley and Murray are seen distracting a royal guard.As the Cooper Gang are on their way towards Mesa City, Utah, Sly studies Muggshot who was once a runt later turned to musclebound brute after watching his first gangster film called The Dogfather.

After Sly enters Muggshot's casino and faces off with him, Muggshot is surprised to see Sly as underwhelming after he heard news from his boys about Sly breaking in and attacking the place. Muggshot then notices the cane Sly is holding and mentions how he's seen it before. As Sly mocks Muggshot about his father knocking his block off with his cane, Muggshot soon realizes that Sly is a Cooper and then brags about the Thievius Raccoonus having a lot of nice pictures, but way too many big words. Sly then asks Muggshot if he will hand it over. Muggshot, however, tells Sly that he feels transgressed and violated after he mentions him trashing the place and stealing his stuff.

As Muggshot faces Sly, he grabs out two guns and shoot Sly with them. Sly manages to defeat Muggshot by reflecting mirrors with beams at him, disabling his guns. As Muggshot lies in defeat, he woes about Sly being a puny pipsqueak beating Muggshot as a big strong bruser. He then threatens Sly about facing Mz. Ruby in Haiti, in order to get her section of the Thievius Raccoonus. Sly Cooper finds Muggshot's section of the Thievius Raccoonus about 'Tennessee Kid' Cooper's rail walk technique.

He then goes to Hollywood, California, stealing gold stars from the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves Sly Cooper 3: Honor Among Thieves Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time AppearanceBeing a raccoon, Sly has gray fur with black stripes and mask. His ensemble consists of a blue elbow-sleeved shirt with a yellow collar, blue boots, blue gloves with yellow cuffs, and a blue cap. Around his waist is a belt with the buckle shaped in the form of the Cooper symbol. On his back is a small red backpack for storing away items and keeping his calling cards.In Sly 2 and Sly 3, Sly forgoes the backpack for a red leg pouch attached to his left thigh.In Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, with the exception of looking a little older and more mature, Sly now wears a red backpack like he did in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus for his paraglider, and the red pouch on his leg has been replaced by a brown pouch. His belt buckle also has gold trim around the Cooper symbol. His backpack also has a Sanzaru Games logo on it.PersonalitySly Cooper is, as the first game describes him, a 'cunning, devious, Thievius Raccoonus.'

He uses his quick wit, his courage, and his skills to pull off jobs, and he usually has a sarcastic remark in hand as a very cynical laid-back raccoon. Despite being slick with the comebacks, he's not so swift with the ladies, with his girlfriend Carmelita continuously furious with him. However, he remains loyal and dedicated to his friends; especially Bentley and Murray, his two close friends since childhood, and Carmelita Fox, his love interest.

Deep inside that demeanor he holds, it's possible he's a bit lonely, as he said that he misses his father at one point in the comics. But he never dwells in the past, and stays in the present, to seek for his next adventure.In the beginning of the series, Sly is very arrogant and driven by his own personal goals. On occasion he is heard scolding Bentley and Murray (when failing missions). He disregards Bentley's advice and warnings, and was sometimes rude to Murray.By Band of Thieves, Sly had matured a ways in which he appreciates his team. He is much more respectful of his team than he was in the first game. He fully came to appreciate them after being captured by the Contessa.Honor Among Thieves came and Sly was an entirely new thief. With the sarcasm, witty banter, quips, and debonaire charm still in tact.

He can't imagine his life without his team. Throughout the game, he takes the feelings of Bentley and Murray seriously, always on the look out for when they were bothered or sad.AbilitiesSly's primary weapon in the series is his family's cane, which is a brown staff ending in a golden hook.

Many of his ancestors also had weapons incorporating the trademark hook, and the cane has become an infamous symbol of the Cooper Gang. Sly is also very capable with his cane and is a powerful opponent in a fight, repeatedly being shown beating opponents much larger and better equipped than himself.Years of training and natural ability passed down through the Cooper bloodline have given Sly vast agility, balance, and reflexes, allowing him to perform feats that few can equal.

In addition, he has learned every ability detailed in the Thievius Raccoonus, including balancing on the tops of sharp points, rope and pole climbing, invisibility, swinging on hooks, and running on wires. His skills include parkour, gymnastics, pickpocketing, safecracking, mastery of disguise, time manipulation, and others.Gallery Images.