Classified Stories Death

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Buy and sell items in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. Post your items or search through thousands of listings. 19-year-old Horace L. Woodring (pictured) was driving General Patton in a Cadillac limousine on an empty road when he noticed a truck in the distance pulled over to the shoulder.

WASHINGTON - In a devastating double-blow to al Qaeda's most dangerous franchise, U.S. Counterterrorism forces killed two American citizens who played key roles in inspiring attacks against the U.S., U.S. And Yemeni officials said Friday.U.S-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, who edited the slick Jihadi Internet magazine, were killed in an air strike on their convoy in Yemen by a joint CIA-U.S.

Military operation, according to counterterrorism officials. Al-Awlaki was targeted in the killing, but Khan apparently was not targeted directly. Ballz shooter cheats. Trending News ›.In remarks at Fort Myer, Va., President Obama called the death of the jihadist cleric a 'major blow' to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and praised the United States' successful alliance with Yemen's security forces.' This is further proof that al Qaeda and its affiliates will find no safe haven anywhere in the world,' Mr. 'Working with Yemen and our other allies and partners, we will be determined, we will be deliberate, we will be relentless, we will be resolute in our commitment to destroy terrorist networks that aim to kill Americans, and to build a world in which people everywhere can live in greater peace, prosperity and security.' Seeking to justify the targeted killing of a U.S. Obama outlined al-Awlaki's involvement in planning and directing attempts to murder Americans.'

He directed the failed attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009. He directed the failed attempt to blow up U.S. Cargo planes in 2010,' Mr. 'And he repeatedly called on individuals in the United States and around the globe to kill innocent men, women and children to advance a murderous agenda.' Yemeni intelligence pinpointed al-Awlaki's hideout in the town of Al Khasaf, a Yemeni official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss matters of intelligence. 'He was closely monitored ever since,' by Yemeni intelligence on the ground, backed by U.S.

Satellite and drones from the sky, the official said.His death will deal al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula a serious blow, says CBS News terrorism analyst Juan Zarate, particularly his work to draw young Muslims into the jihadi mindset.' His role as a propagandist actually will be very difficult to fill,' says Zarate.After three weeks of tracking the targets, U.S. Armed drones and fighter jets shadowed the al Qaeda convoy before armed drones launched their lethal strike early Friday. The strike killed four operatives in all, officials said. Officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters of intelligence.Al-Awlaki played a 'significant operational role' in plotting and inspiring attacks on the United States, U.S. Officials said Friday, as they disclosed detailed intelligence to justify the killing of a U.S. Khan, who was from North Carolina, wasn't considered operational but had published seven issues of Inspire Magazine, offering advice on how to make bombs and the use of weapons.

The magazine was widely read. Following the strike, a U.S. Official outlined new details of al-Awlaki's involvement in anti-U.S. Operations, including the attempted 2009 Christmas Day bombing of a U.S.-bound aircraft. The official said that al-Awlaki specifically directed the men accused of trying to bomb the Detroit-bound plane to detonate an explosive device over U.S. Airspace to maximize casualties.The official also said al-Awlaki had a direct role in supervising and directing a failed attempt to bring down two U.S. Cargo aircraft by detonating explosives concealed inside two packages mailed to the U.S.

Also believes Awlaki had sought to use poisons, including cyanide and ricin, to attack Westerners.The U.S. And counterterrorism officials all spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss intelligence matters.Al-Awlaki was killed by the same U.S. Military unit that got Osama bin Laden. Al-Awlaki is the most prominent al Qaeda figure to be killed since bin Laden's death in May.U.S. Word of al-Awlaki's death came after the government of Yemen reported that he had been killed Friday about five miles from the town of Khashef, some 87 miles from the capital Sanaa.The air strike was carried out more openly than the covert operation that sent Navy SEALs into bin Laden's Pakistani compound, U.S. Officials said. Counterterrorism cooperation between the United States and Yemen has improved in recent weeks, allowing better intelligence-gathering on al-Awlaki's movements, U.S.

Officials said. The ability to better track him was a key factor in the success of the strike, U.S. Officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.Al-Awlaki's death is the latest in a run of high-profile kills for Washington under Mr. But the killing raises questions that the death of other al Qaeda leaders, including bin Laden, did not.Al-Awlaki is a U.S. Citizen, born in New Mexico to Yemeni parents, who had not been charged with any crime. Civil liberties groups have questioned the government's authority to kill an American without trial.Jameel Jaffer, deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, condemned the drone attack on Awlaki, saying, 'The targeted killing program violates both U.S. And international law.

'As we've seen today, this is a program under which American citizens far from any battlefield can be executed by their own government without judicial process, and on the basis of standards and evidence that are kept secret not just from the public but from the courts,' Jaffer said. 'The government's authority to use lethal force against its own citizens should be limited to circumstances in which the threat to life is concrete, specific and imminent. It is a mistake to invest the President - any President - with the unreviewable power to kill any American whom he deems to present a threat to the country.' Awlaki's father, Nasser al-Awlaki of Yemen, had sued Mr. Obama and other administration officials 13 months ago to try to stop them from targeting his son for death. The father, represented by the ACLU and the Center for Constitutional Rights, argued that international law and the Constitution prevented the administration from assassinating his son unless he presented a specific imminent threat to life or physical safety and there were no other means to stop him.But U.S. District Judge John Bates threw out the lawsuit in December, saying a judge does not have authority to review the president's military decisions and that Awlaki's father did not have the legal right to sue on behalf of his son.

But Bates also seemed troubled by the facts of the case, which he wrote raised vital considerations of national security and for military and foreign affairs. For instance, the judge questioned why courts have authority to approve surveillance of Americans overseas but not their killing and whether the president could order an assassination of a citizen without 'any form of judicial process whatsoever.' Officials have said they believe al-Awlaki inspired the actions of Army psychiatrist Maj.

More from UK.Explaining why the documents had been redacted, Daniel Andersson from the Swedish foreign ministry wrote: 'Information has been deemed classified as secret according to the provision of Chapter 15, section 1 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act and has been redacted to the attached file.' The reason for this is that the information concerns Sweden's relations with a foreign state and a foreign authority and it can be assumed that a disclosure will damage Sweden's international relations or, in other ways harm national interests.' Image: Family concerns centre on redacted information under ‘Cause of Death’ entry in official documentsDespite the unexplained circumstances surrounding her death, the Scottish Crown Office never granted Annie Borjesson an inquest, or a FAI (Fatal Accident Inquiry) as it is termed in Scotland. Ever since, the case has been coloured by conspiracy theories.In 2014, The Scottish Mail on Sunday published a news story which made associations between Annie and alleged CIA rendition flights through Prestwick airport in 2005.Significantly, it emerged that Annie shared a similar name to that of an award-winning US journalist - Kristina Borjesson - who has a long history of holding US national security agencies, like the CIA, to account.No evidence has emerged in relation to this link. :: Listen to StoryCast on,But in a related development, Scottish MSPs have in recent days called for further investigation into the use of Scottish airports for so-called rendition flights and the transport of terror suspects.Both the UK and US governments continue to deny the existence of such flights through Scotland.Speaking to Sky News this week, Guje Borjesson confirmed she is appealing to the Swedish authorities to now release all the files related to her daughter's death.' I demand that they do, these documents are about my daughter,' she said.

'I am not anybody, I am her mother.' Mrs Borjesson said that since the series broadcast, she has stepped up her efforts to retrieve unseen evidence in the form of her daughter's post-mortem photographs.The Scottish Crown Office has so far refused to release these images to the family. In November, Sky News was also refused on the grounds that it was not in the public interest.The family has always believed Scottish authorities were premature in determining Annie's cause of death and that these photos may contain crucial evidence.Notably, in one unredacted document, which was filed just a day after Annie died, embassy officials outlined how the authorities suspected suicide, despite the fact no post-mortem had then been conducted. Image: The existence of a document related to Annie, dated August 17, 2005, four months before her death, has caused her family distressThe Scottish Crown Office suggested to Sky News the date was made in error and that correct date is actually marked on the very top of the document.Referring to the spike in interest in her daughter's case, Guje added: 'There is a public interest now and we are the family, so they should really take that into consideration. We are still motivated to get Annie an inquest.

That would force the Crown Office to sharpen up and put all the facts on the table. We are not afraid of that.' Annie Borjesson moved to Edinburgh in 2004 to study English.On the weekend she died, 3/4 December 2005, she was filmed on CCTV leaving Prestwick international train station and, soon after, entering the main terminal at the airport itself.However, after spending less than five minutes in the building, she left suddenly, without ever checking in for that evening's Ryanair flight to Sweden. Less than 24 hours later, her body was discovered by a dog walker on nearby Prestwick beach.Her passport, wallet, clothes and some books belonging to a Swedish library were found in a bag beside her body. That night, according to Borjesson family, they were paid a visit by Swedish police who explained the most likely cause of death to be suicide.A statement sent by Police Scotland to Sky News said: 'We understand how distressing this must be for family and friends. Annie Borjesson's death was fully investigated at the time and has also been subject to review.' Throughout this process, regular updates were provided to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

There is no information or evidence at this time to suggest there is any criminality surrounding her death.'