Wild Tribe Walkthrough

  среда 26 февраля

One of most interesting characters from Breath of the Wild is the Zora. Lives on in the memory of her charismatic brother Sidon and the rest of the Zora tribe. Welcome to IGN's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Walkthrough.This guide will seek to assist you through the main story adventure in Breath of the Wild, from Link's strange awakening to the.

Collect 8 shells to open the chest with the Diadem of Courage. It will fortify the souls of your tribe in the face of the toughest foes.Totem of Dolphin: located on the northeast island, build a tower to find it.Ancient Coin: NoneMonkey IslandCollect 9 chestnuts which will appear randomly after defeating the plants to open the treasure chest with the Pendant of Nature Force. It grants you a small chance of a building being completed immediately rather than having to wait for your builders to complete it. There is a “goo-type” of sphere on a pallet on the southwest part of the map. It can’t be activated right now.Totem of Monkey: The Monkey Tribe will give you the totem when you have defeated their enemies.Ancient Coin: Behind a mountain in the southwest corner of the map.Seagull IslandThis island is free of ground enemies and the crows won’t attack you. The crows have stolen the hermit’s musical pebbles and he would like for you to get them back for him. First, you need to find the gears to repair the workshop.

Once the workshop is restored you will be able to construct an archery. Click on the fire in front of the workshop three times and you will receive a rusty key. This key opens the chest for the Heart of Bull which will heal your tribe over time. Use your archers to kill the crows and collect the pebbles they drop.

Each group of crows drop two pebbles.Totem of Seagull: Receive from the hermit for returning his pebbles.Ancient Coin: Behind a tree in the ruin on the right of the workshop.Red Rock IslandThe first task is to build 10 huts. Do not do this before you build and upgrade your army. Alternatively, you could build 9 huts and leave one until your army is complete and upgraded. Build several towers on both the east and west side of your tribe. Once you build that last hut you will be attacked by land. There is a short timer telling you when the first attack is coming.

Between attacks have your citizens repair all the buildings that were damaged. Your next attack will come from the air. There will be another timer and then you will be attack by both land and air.

The idol to the south of your tribe will give you the Meteor Shower spell that will give you an advantage in the battle with the dragons. The clues to the colors are as follows:Violet is in the middle.Green and Red are alongside. Red is to the right of Yellow.Yellow is between Violet and Blue.For the specific order highlight the following:from left to right: blue, yellow, violet, green, redThere is an ice block to the northeast which can be melted with the Meteor Shower spell. In it is the Hunter’s Lucky Stone.

This will make your hunters lucky, stronger and more swift.Totem: NoneAncient Coin: The mountain lair of the wood spirits to the northeast.Witch IslandJunkun the Witch needs 10 roots to finish her potion. Once you give them to her, she will give you the ability to build witch doctor abodes. The ice block in the northeast can’t be melted yet and must wait until later.Totem: NoneAncient Coin: Not accessible at this time.Skull IslandThe wiseman wants any plans or charts you may find. These will be revealed after you defeat the enemies to the southwest. The hermit will give you plans for a mud tower. A guiding stone will prompt you to rebuild a tower in the northwest corner. Do so to reveal an idol.

Behind the mountains is a treasure chest containing Traveler’s Boots. This item will allow your tribe to walk faster.Totem of Lizard: revealed once the enemies are defeated.Ancient Coin: An island straight south. Build a tower to uncover it.Frozen Vale IslandThe Polar Bear Tribe will need 5 pieces of coal to teach you the fire tower.

When you receive the Fire Tower plans click on the Polar Bear Tribe’s laboratory to research it. A guiding stone will inform you that a black bird has a black stone, so make sure you kill them to get that piece of coal.

The old hermit asks you to release all the penguins. Build fire towers to melt the ice.

Once all of them are rescued the old hermit will give you the Healer’s Globe. The Idol of Divination will give you the Clairvoyance Spell. Use it in the northwest corner to find the fishing line.

That will combine with the hook, pole and worm that you found during your exploration into a fishing rod. Look for the circles (ripples) in the water to fish. Once you have the fish give it to the old hermit as a gift for. The penguins. He will be so happy with your generosity that he gives you the Healer’s Globe and the map to Lonely Iceberg.

Use the Clairvoyance Spell in the east to find the Bear Totem.Totem of Polar Bear: on an island to the east. Use the Clairvoyance Spell to find it.Ancient Coin: Chest in the northwest corner.Witch Island (Return)Build a Fire Tower next to the ice block in the northeast.

Find an ancient coin in a chest. To open the chest with the Sphere of Clarity you must “listen” to the rocks. For the specific order please highlight the following. Island (Return)Once you have the Sphere of Clarity you can now click on the “goo-type” sphere to the west.Yeti IslandTo the east of your camp is a forest with wandering lights. Collect 4 of them in order to start the 4 burned out fires to the south of your camp.

Once they are lit the chest can be opened and you will receive the Bracelet of Hawk. Once you defeat the Giant Yeti go through the secret passage to see some merchants. To the southeast of the merchants you see the remains of a tower. Build one over the remains and you’ll see an island with some more remains. Build a tower there and you will the the Ancient Coin. Go back to talk to the merchants and they will give you the marketplace.Totem of Whale: given when you defeat the Giant Yeti.Ancient Coin: Build a tower over the remains on the southeast corner where the merchants are. Build another tower on the opposite island to see it.Lonely IcebergThe alchemist wants you to prove your tribe worthy of the Frost Technology.

To do this you must prepare the Twilight Mixture. The recipe will be mixed in the alchemist’s laboratory.

The guide stones offer help with mixture as follows:Aurum + Quicksilver = AmalgamMagnesium + Permanganate = Salamander Dust. Ammonium + Alkali = Restoration LiquidVitriol + Charcoal = Midnight SaltsAmalgam + Salamander Dust = Phoenix OilMidnight Salts + Restoration Liquid= New Moon ElixirPhoenix Oil + New Moon Elixir = Twilight MixtureOnce you have the Phoenix Oil and New Moon Elixir mix them together for the Twilight Mixture. Give to the alchemist for the Frost Tower.Cradle of the NorthTip: When building your camp build at least 3 towers right before the passage into the mountains and upgrade them all with fire.Montol wants you to remove the sharks. Build an arrow tower next to the water and let the arrows kill them while you continue to explore. The Pendant of Power in on an east island and it will help with the magic of the idols. To fully uncover the pedestal for the Monkey Totem build a tower in the extreme north (in the middle of the map) next to the mountains.

The guide stones will offer help in placing the other totems. Activate the World Seal.Shaman Mask - a gift from Montol after you remove the sharks.Mist IslandThe map is covered with mist. There is a passageway for Aruku to follow, but move her around as much as possible to find items and gems. She will come to a device that is missing an item.

Nearby is a Sphere of Light. Put this sphere into the device and it will light up and remove the mist around it, opening up some more of the path. There is a puzzle that you need to turn all the lights on to receive a Sphere of Light. The other spheres are laying close to the Mysterious Devices that they will be used in.

Keep placing the spheres until you run into the tower keeper. He wants something pretty out of the water. Backtrack to the water and click around in it until you click on a black pearl. Wartile release date movie.

Return it to him to obtain the tower. Once you control the tower look to the southwest corner of the map. There is an Amulet of Wisdom there and it helps with your researching. Also take special note of where the four lightning bolts are touching the ground while you are traveling on the map because you will need to come back to them later. There is also an orange lightning bolt on the map that you need to pick up as well. Continue on even when your tasks are complete to come to a door requiring the orange lightning bolt. The old wiseman will give you Sky Hall in exchange for 4 thunderbolts.Scorched IslandThere is a chest in the southeast.

You have to build a thunder tower, a frost tower and a fire tower to open it for the Crown of Defender. It allows your towers to be constructed. You have three paths to choose from. Start with the path on the left.

There is a hide-away there and you will be asked to kill the dragons. Once they are killed you will receive the ice crystal. Give this crystal to the idol in the north to receive the Snow Tempest Spell.

I like to take the middle path next although both of the remaining lead to the same place. Build a frost tower in front of the tall fire and enter to confront the Wolf Tribe.Shaman’s Mask - in the Wolf Tribe’s temple.Wolf Totem - Defeat the Wolf Tribe.Volcano IslandTowards the middle and east there is a man wanting the Scroll of Ice Magic. In return you will get the Hall of Mysteries. This is helpful because now your shamans can freeze the fires instead of having to build towers to freeze them.

The fragments that make the completed scroll of magic are given once the 3 puzzles are solved. Puzzle 1 is south of your camp. Puzzle two is in the far southeast corner.

The third and last puzzle is in the far northeast corner. The hermit in the south (about halfway between puzzles 1 and 2) wants 6 lava stones in exchange for Oracle, which will allow you to see into the heart of the volcano. The Battle Master south of your camp (before puzzle 1) wants 3 rusty swords in exchange for the training ground.

The rusty swords come from enchanted skeletons that are in the skeletons’ temples. There is also a Blessed Ring in one of the skeletons‘ temples. It refocuses the magical powers of shamans and witch doctors to help them withstand hostile attacks in battle.Please highlight the below area for the light puzzle solutions:The O’s are the blue/green lights that need to be turned on:Puzzle 1 Puzzle 2 Puzzle 3X.XX.X.O.O.XOO.XO.ODo not go into the red twinkling area in the middle of the extreme east until you have the Hall of Mysteries to help you in battle. I actually made sure I had all the helpful items on the island before I battled the shades.

Also it’s helpful to lure some of the small shades out of the cave so you can get rid of them and get your full army back together before you do battle with the large shade.Totem of Snake: Given when the shades are defeated.Beetle Island. The beetles will come out of four holes. The large beetle will come out first and then a hoard of smaller beetles.

You might consider a large army of shamans and possibly a few mud towers to slow down the beetles so they can be destroyed. To the southeast is an island with a fire puzzle. Once you get all the smaller fires burning you will receive the orange tree (the Earth Rune). Back to the main map, in the northeast is Junkun, the Witch. She gives you a seed to a medicinal herb and asks you to plant it and bring her some of its fruit.

Go to the island in the northwest and plant the seed. Pick up the bowl and water the plant three times.

You can only get one bowlful of water from each of the three pools on the map. Once the plant has been watered three times it will bear fruit. Pick 3 fruit and give them to Junkun. You will receive the herb garden which allows your witch doctors to heal more effectively. The Necklace of Spirits is on the Southeast Island and isn’t available until you get the Aqualung. The Necklace of Spirits makes your shamans stronger.Totem of Beetle: Given when the beetles are destroyed.Necklace of Spirits: Southeast island - only accessible after you get the Aqualung.Shark ArchipelagoOn this map you start out on an island with a puzzle.

Pick up the valve behind the tree. When you turn the puzzle pieces to their correct order you will receive a purple travel stone. Put that stone in the shamanic device in the middle of the island, put your scout flag (the eye flag) close to the stone and click on it. You will be transported to a different island. This new island is the main island I will be referring to later. Click on all the clods of dirt that are pulsating to receive a yellow travel stone.

The flowers on the south end of the island are a color clue to a puzzle on another island. To the north is a ball puzzle. For the answer on the order of the balls please highlight the following:Put all of the balls in the lower left tower in the order from top to bottom, Gold, Silver and Bronze.After this puzzle is solved you will get an energy sphere. Place the yellow traveling stone on an empty shamanic device, place the scout flag nearby and click on the white stone. You will be transported to a new island. On the east end is another valve.

Notice the tower to the south and the requirements to purchase it. Change the colors on the blocks around the mountain to match the flower color. Highlight below for the correct placement.From left top:white.redred.whitered.redwhite.white. Return to the main island via the shamanic device and place the blue traveling stone in the empty slot. Transport to the next island.

On the southern end place the two valves and the energy sphere. This will open the steam vents on the top of the island and lower the water in front of the chest to enable you to walk to it and receive the Aqualung. The Aqualung allows your scouts to swim. Swim to all of the surrounding islands with the exception of the center island and the island to the far southeast. Collect the turtle shells needed and purchase the arrow tower. The arrows will destroy the sharks and allow you to swim to the far southeast island without becoming fish food. On the southeast island place the second energy sphere to turn the lights on.

The solution to the light puzzle can be highlighted below:The first tower should already be turned to the west (left).Follow the light and turn the second tower to the north (up).Follow the light and turn the third tower to the east (right).Follow the light and turn the fourth tower to the south (down).Follow the light and turn the fifth tower to the west (left).Follow the light and turn the sixth tower to the south (down).All lights should now be turned on.You will receive an orange teardrop (Rune of Water). Use the rune to get the chest on the main island to receive the shaman’s mask. Use the turtle shells to access the chest on the hidden island in the center.Totem of Shark: chest on the center island.Shaman’s Mask: chest on the main island.Aqualung: fourth island, accessible after placing the valves and energy sphere.Tip: Now that you’re able to swim you can access all the areas of the previous islands that you couldn’t get to in your first visit.

If you want to access Guardian Moon later in the game, you will need to find all of the gems, some of which were out of reach previously.Island of WorshipDon’t click the main temple until you have built up your army and researched everything. When you click on it you will be thrown into battle with an evil incarnation of Aruku. Defeating her and her army will produce a chest on the west (left) side of the temple with one each of the five fruits. Collect eleven more of each fruit to give to the idols on the island. Once the evil Aruku is defeated you will receive the Totem of Lion.One of the idols has the clairvoyance spell. Activate it and put it in the mountain area to the south of the island. You will see a button and two chests that are in separate areas.

Click the button to have a passage open on the east side. The passage is on the side of the mountain area. Once you’ve opened the chest for the Masking Cloak, click the. Button again to open a passage on the west side of the mountain area. That chest holds a Shaman’s Mask.There are 4 areas of the map that have red dots in a circle.

In one circle put the battle flag so that your army goes there. In another put your scouts’ flag. In the third have your citizens build a tower. While they are in the process of building, drag Aruku or Guro to the fourth circle. The citizens still need to be in the circle in order to complete the activation. Once this has been achieved a chest will appear on the east side of the temple.

You will need all five of the Shaman’s Masks to open it. It holds the map of the Lost Temple Island.There are three temples in the northern part of the island.

Click on the them repeatedly to receive some gems.In between the main temple and the smaller temples there are 4 posts with symbols. The symbols need to be arranged so that only one of each item is shown both across and down. I’m not sure if this is random or not, but I’ve included the solution that worked for my game for you to highlight below if you need assistance.

Once you’ve solved the puzzle you will receive the Scroll of Thunder Magic.Sunmoon.star.lightning boltMoon.starlightning bolt.sunStarlightning boltsun.moonLightning boltsunmoon.starGem Tip: When each idol is activated the screen cuts to a stone pedestal and a particular color shows up in the pedestal’s four corners. Write these five colors down in order from left to right. This note will come in handy on the next island.Totem of Lion: receive after you defeat Evil ArukuMasking Cload: right side of the mountain areaShaman’s Mask: left side of the mountain areaLost Temple IslandThere are 5 vents on this island that emit a color code when you click on them. There are ten small shrines next to a pond. Five have colors and five do not. To input the code given to you by the vents click on the ones that have colors in order to transfer the color to the empty shrines. With each group you receive a reflection in the pool of a map with an “X” marks the spot.

Find the area of the island that matches the map and click where the map shows the treasure being. Collect all five runes.

Build a large army and research everything. Each time you put a rune in the doors in the northwest area you will be attacked. All of the enemies come from the flower area to the west of your camp so position your army accordingly.

Once all five doors are opened you will be presented with the temple.Gem Tip: Return to the small shrines next to the pond. The order of the colors will be the same as the order you wrote them down. Put the colors into the shrines and you will receive 3 chests full of gems.Ruins of Dream ShoreDevelop your army and do all research. Remember that your scouts are invisible so you can uncover all the islands without fear of attacks. When you’re ready to do battle place your battle flag on the island you want to go to. Die hard arcade power supply. I found it easier to go from the left to the right. Each of the prince shades drop a dark essence when they are defeated.

Make sure you recover any lost members of your army and then put the essence in each of the four shrines that surround the hole in the middle of your camp. When they are activated you will do battle with King Shade. When he’s defeated you will receive Totem of Crow.There are nine “singing” rocks scattered about on the map. Click each one to make it vibrate. Once they’re all vibrating the two islands in the north will connect to your island and you can access the chest for a Tribal Amulet of Great Warriors.Comet Crash Site(note: The first several times I played this game I neglected to write down the totem names in my notes. The last time I did, but they don’t seem to be in the same order as the others. I could be totally mistaken because of all the note-taking I did in the meantime.

If your totems are different then disregard the totem names I have given in this walkthrough.)Use the Totem of Shark on the purple crystal to destroy it. Use the crossbow to blow up the three blocks of crystals close by (one is behind the blocked passageway to the north but you can still hit it with the crossbow now). The light from the crossbow must hit the crystals while not going through it. Hit each block three times to get some gems. Find nine thurisaz (green) for one of the idols. It will release the thunderbolt belt that you can use on the blocked passageway to the north.

The puzzle to the north is a matching one. When it’s solved put the Totem of Shark on it. Once you have the tempest spell from the next idol, use it to destroy the blocked passageway to the west. There are thorn plants that attack you here. Use the tempest spell to defeat them.To solve the black and white block puzzle you need to get the colors to the opposite sides. Once the puzzle is solved place the Totem of Wolf on the pedestal.

For specific instructions to the puzzle please highlight below:From left to right.3,5,6,4,2,1,3,5,7,6,4,2,3,5,4. When you come close to the pedestal in the northwest you will receive some coins. Once you put them all into the wells the pedestal will activate. Place the Totem of Lion.The last puzzle gave me the hardest time so I saved it for last. There are five shrines scattered over the island.

When you click on them they send up a purple cloud. You must activate them all before the first cloud disappears. The mini-map and memorization of the placements of the shrines are definite musts in this puzzle.

Wild Tribe Walkthrough

Place the Totel of Beetle in the pedestal. The path to the comet is in the northwest. Use the three spells to destroy the crystals blocking your way.

Once inside go to the middle of the area and then north out of it.Guardian MoonThe Guardian Moon is only accessible if you have 100% of the gems If you have them then go to here before you go to Inside the Comet. This area holds the last of the special objects that will complete your treasure chest.Both the Guardian Moon and Inside the Comet are basically straightforward so it’s just a matter of fine-tuning your strategy.There are three different endings so try to enjoy them all.Best ending only achieved by having 100% of gems and going to Guardian Moon.Good ending is achieved by defeating the alien without having 100% of the gems.Evil ending is achieved by defeating the idol and then giving your people to the four pits.Thank you for taking the time to read this walkthrough. If you find any errors please let me know and I’ll try to edit so others won’t have problems.I hope you have as much fun playing this game as I have.Good Luck!