Retro Space Impact

  пятница 17 апреля

Retro Space Impact is remake of legendary game coming from mobile phone Nokia 3310. In this space shooter game your goal is destroy all invaders and get the best score. Features: - 8 hard levels - 8 bosses from original Space Impact - 12 different enemies - Awesome effects - Great graphics - 4 surroundings. Space Impact was Shoot them up type video game developed and published for use on Nokia phones including Nokia 3310, Nokia 3320, Nokia 3330, Nokia 3350, Nokia 3360, Nokia 3390, Nokia 3410, Nokia 3610. It was usually paired with a version of snake. Instructions Use your weapons to survive.

AND I NEED THIS. WHY?Ever have one of those dreams where you're running and running, but don't seem to be moving forward? It's all too easy for teams to have the same experience: making the same mistakes, doing things the way they've always done them, and working hard. But not really getting anywhere.Executing on projects and providing services have a cyclical nature.

And the teams who really excel are the teams who step outside that loop once in a while to reflect on what they've done lately and how it worked out. Armed with a lesson-learned or two, they can iterate on their processes and improve.are a chance for the whole team to reflect on a project or period of work.

The spirit should be of continuous improvement: a blame-free look back to capture actionable items that help everyone improve their work, their team, and working environment. WHO SHOULD BE INVOLVED?Include the core project or service team, and perhaps a facilitator. Stakeholders and other peripheral folks should sit these out.

Set the stage (5 min)Welcome everyone to the retrospective meeting and establish the rules of engagement:Embrace a positive spirit of continuous improvement and share whatever you think will help the team improve. Don't make it personal, don't take it personally. Listen with an open mind, and remember that everyone's experience is valid (even those you don't share). Set the boundary of your discussion – is it that last sprint?

The last quarter? Since the project started? Be clear how far back you're going to go. Encourage the team to embrace an improvement mindset, away from blame. The steps above are for a brief 30-minute retrospective meeting. Depending on the scope and complexity of your work, team size, and/or length of time since the last retrospective, you may need to expand this up to an hour, or possibly even two hours. Scale each section of the basic workshop as you see fit.Alternatively, here are some variations and extra elements to try.

MAP OUT THE PAST TWO MONTHS (10 MIN)On the whiteboard, draw a timeline spanning the past two months. Then have team members call out significant events: iteration/sprint starts, releases, victories, discoveries, moments of, or anything else that had an impact on your work.Do this activity at the start of the meeting. Not only is this a great way to foster a shared sense of achievement and solidarity, it helps refresh everyone's memory and sets the stage for the rest of the retrospective.

THE 4 Ls MODEL (20 MIN)Replace the 'what worked well' and 'what didn't work well' activities with a four-part format:What did you like?What was lacking?What did you learn?What do you long for going forward?This variation works best in longer (45 - 60 min) retrospectives where you can devote five minutes or more to each question. TESTIFY (10 MIN)If time allows (and team members are willing), have each participant speak about the stickies they put up during the 'What worked well', 'What didn't work well', and 'Next steps' activities.

This helps to ensure all team members contribute evenly (even the quieter team members) and promotes an even deeper discussion. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (5 MIN)Take a few minutes to let team members acknowledge each other's accomplishments since the last retrospective and/or express thanks for having received help from a teammate. Keep it brief, and keep it genuine. At some there might be a flood of acknowledgements, while at others there might be very few.

Toy spacemen figures

Just roll with the ebb and flow – don't force it.This should be a strictly peer-to-peer exercise, with only team members at the individual contributor level allowed to participate. Managers, scrum masters, etc. Are asked to keep quiet. DOT VOTING (5 MIN)If loads of ideas emerge during the 'Next steps' activity, vote on which action items you'll prioritize in the immediate term. Everyone grabs a marker and places dots on the three ideas they'd like to see at the top of the list (no more than one dot per idea, please!).

Tally up the dots, discuss the results with your team, and select owners for the top-voted items.Note that you can also do this immediately after the 'What didn't work well' activity to identify the team's top three areas for improvement. This helps guide the 'Next steps' activity and keep it focused on those three areas.To see a retrospective in action. Make sure all notes and photos are captured on the page you created for the session, making sure to list the owner's name next to each action item. If any of the action items have corresponding JIRA issues, include a link to them on the page so it's easy to see their status. Save the page and share it with your team.Always be challenging the value of your retrospectives (y'know: in a healthy, positive way).

The gameplay in High Impact Paintball does nothing to pick up the slack left by the limp graphics and sound. Paintballs fly in a random trajectory with each shot and often miss their intended targets. Our Goals are SimpleTo provide high quality Low Impact Rubber Paintballs, Rubber Paintballs, Score Keeping Equipment and Targets at economical prices for Low impact Paintball Games, Reball Games, Bazooka Ball Games and Nerf Games. Low impact paintball is a sophisticated combination of childhood games such as tag, capture the flag, and hide & seek. Using air-powered paintball guns, participants compete against one another on teams, or individually, to eliminate opponents by tagging them with paintballs. Featuring a variety of authentic paintball weapons, play styles and arena's, High Impact Paintball will envelope the paintball pro and novice alike in hours of exhilarating multiplayer combat. Product information ASIN B00004WGVB Release date. Low Impact Paintballs are 50 Caliber Rubber Paintballs that work with all Low Impact Paintball Guns, are pain free and leave no mess.The Low Impact Paintball Hurts less Costs less Can be fire by any Low Impact Paintball Gun is made for the Younger Paintball PlayerSee Video DemoThe Low Impact Paintball is smaller than a Standard 68 Caliber Paintball and costs less to purchace and costs less to. High impact paintballs.

Are follow-up tasks being completed, or forgotten? Are you getting to the root cause of problems? Would a different set of activities help you dig deeper? There are a zillion ways to approach this play – change it up and make it your own!