Princess Maker 2 Refine Walkthrough

  четверг 09 апреля

For Princess Maker 2 on the PC, FAQ/Strategy Guide by rayquazzastar. And then when you go back to the town you should see the option there. (Note: This is not true for the Refine version) Q. (6/21/16) - Did some more polishing. Also added Score subsection in the Ending section. This should now be the longest Princess Maker 2.

Princess Maker 2: Secrets and Spoilers Secretsand spoilers of Princess Maker 2Thisis going to go in depth about secrets, events, and such that you may wantto wait to look at when you play the game. Otherwise, you can readon and find out all sorts of interesting things about the game that youmay or may not have known. This is not a complete page, byall means, I still haven't found EVERYTHING about the game ( I actuallywish I knew one or two more things because of the sheer frustration ofknowing it's there and I have no idea how to get to it ^^)So!Without anymore waiting. Here we go.Openingscreen:When you begin to type in your daughters name, just press a bunchof keys at once, till it's all filled up. Suddenly it'll zip pasteverything and now you have a daughter named Olive Oyl, who is born onApril 2nd and is very keen at fighting, and lousy at magic. Thisworks for the english beta, not sure for any other version.Magicaltraining:When finally maxed out in magic, you will get to a point where you cango no further. There are two solutions to this ordeal.

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Haveyour daughter do 3 magic's in a row, without a vacation. Fay willshow up and announce herself in a very. Enthusiastic tone, and grantyou the power to to raise one of your three skills ( Magical skill, MagicalAttack, Magical Defense ). You can do this 2 times, then she doesn'tshow up again if you pull that stunt again. The 2nd way is a bitmore difficult. Your daughter has to be very charismatic and extremelysensitive ( at least near or over 200 points worth ). In the forest,there is a pothole you can go through, to another area.

If your daughterisn't very sensitive, she'll comment on how it's the great Oak tree ofthe Elves. If she's sensitive, an Elf will be there asking if youwant to trade your Combat Skill for magic points. If you agree, he'llgive you +5 on all three skills, and take 5 points of your Combat skill(and you can't get them back either, no matter HOW hard you train.)However, he'll run away if you're carrying Iron ( A sword or any type ofmetal weapon or armor, with the exception of the Mithral armor and theWar gods sword/ Valkira's sword).Mapof the Eastern ForestThe numbers will be in example to the tricksand tips there.Forest:In the forest area there are several hidden features about it, since itseems to be the most magical of the 4 areas to adventure in. First( Number 1on the map) you'll notice this structure in the furthest east on the map.You can sleep there at any time, and if your daughter is sensitive enough,fairies will appear and grant your daughter an abundant amount of cookingskill, plus her stress will go down to 0.Here and near Number 5you can use the Unicorn Horn.

The Unicorn Horn is something you wouldobtain through the Traveling Salesman (The 'Chinese Orc').Choose to camp and then select the use item option. Use it.She'll state that nothing happens. Then when you sleep, the nextday a Unicorn will approach you and ask about the horn. Apparentlythis horn was part of his friend, and questions you on how you obtainedit, etc. If you give it to him, he'll give you 50 points of Sensativity,but if you do not.

He'll take away HALF your sensativity. Manythanks to Alex Cheong and Linda Harper for explaining the use of the UnicornHorn in this game.South of that, there is an area you can wander into that is a dead end,and has a bunch of trees ( Number 5 ).Sleep there at night ( Only when it's dark outside ) and other fairieswill visit you, but this time your art will go up, but your constitutionwill go down a few points, plus stress will go to 0 also.Youcan meet lots of creatures in the forest. One of them is the Wildcat.When you meet her, you can attack her. One of them carries an itemcalled the 'Catseye' that is a treasure of the Wildcat tribe, and you cantrade it to Ket Shi, their god in 2 different adventure areas ( Not inthe forest, but the Glacier and the Desert ).

Another pointless note.totally off the Princess Maker 2 subject in general. In Final Fantasy7, the correct pronunciation of 'Cait Sith' is Ket Shi. And sinceKet Shi is a sort of God of the Cat tribe and can use his fairy powerson you, and Cait Sith in FF7 is a fortune teller machine, it makesit kind of interesting to make this sort of connection. However,I digress.Now, last but notleast you may discover this one by accident. There is this enclosed areaon the upper left portion of the map ( Number4 ), when you find a way in there (Theentrance is in the deep pit.

This is Number3 on the map), you may encounter the firstof 3 tough bandits and some items. Those items are 250G and AncientMilk (which helps with weight loss of your daughter.) The first bandit'sname is Venezaro. This isn't like the other enemies where if youdon't win, Cube will just carry your off. He does some mean things toyour daughter if he isn't defeated, so it's a good idea to go to him prepared.If not, love for Cube will shoot through the roof and she'll end up marryinghim Oo;;; If you choose to accept the bribe from him, he offersyour daughter 80G. Should she take this, your daughters Sin willgo up 50 points.

If you defeat him, you will get Leather Armor and30 gold. Defeating this guy will raise magical or fighter reputation(Depending on what you beat him with) 30 points and you'll receive a prizeof 500G ^^.Mapof the Western DesertThe numbers will be in example to the tricksand tips there.Desert:The Desert area is probably the most ethically dangerous area out of the4. That is because there is a devil living out in the middle of ito.o;;; You'll come across a cave with a sign called 'Demons Abode'( Number 4on the map).

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